Spring Cleaning Rituals

Out with the old, in with the new! This spring season - and onwards - can we  practice reverence while doing our chores - and turn the mundane into magical rituals?!

First things first, we need to clear the stagnant energy that accumulated throughout the dark seasons. Energy likes to collect in corners and all spaces of our home. When the weather allows, open your windows and let the fresh air circulate as you clean all of your homes nooks and crannies!


You may be the type of person who picks a weekend and does it all at once! Or, perhaps you’re more like me and you prefer the slow and steady approach. I like to pick one drawer/closet/cupcoard/area per day and get the job done over a few weeks. No rush!

As you are going through your items, ask yourself:

-does this item bring joy?

-would it bring someone else more joy? (donate)

-is keeping it aligned with my Equinox Renewal intentions/is it aligned with how I want to FEEL?



These are important to do after you have decluttered and cleansed your physical space, as energies can get unsettled during the cleaning process. These are also great to do if you are feeling like the room needs an energetic shift (watching the news, emotional outbursts, negative thought loops, etc.)

-Clear your space energetically using smoke from ancestral herbs or using sound (sing to your home! Or drum, rattle, singing bowls, etc.) You can also diffuse clearing essential oils (citrus oils, rosemary, cypress.)

-If you are a lover of sweeping and brooms, sweep the room counterclockwise to clear stagnation, negativity, unwanted energies. And then do an energetic sweep clockwise as you call in whatever you are wanting to bring into the space (lightness, peace, focus, love, etc.) 


Aromatherapy Recipes: Household Cleaning


Nettle Infusion